I’m Tyler Myracle and I live in Austin, TX. I enjoy turning over rocks.

I made the jump from oil and gas to software back in 2014 and never looked back. Ever since building my first Ruby on Rails app I’ve been obsessed with software and the ability to create enormous value right from your laptop. I learned how to code on a deepwater drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico and have been building software ever since.

Outside of software I enjoy skiing, music production, photography, and traveling. I’ve dabbled in guitar since I was 12 and love writing and recording music (that will never see the light of day).

Back in 2020 before the pandemic started I made my first angel investment and since then I’ve built a small portfolio concentrated mostly in Seed and Series A. Venture investing is a long game, but I’m excited to back founders in the earliest stages and see how their vision comes to life.

Today, I’m part of the 4th Founder Fellowship cohort at South Park Commons where I’m exploring various potential venture scale ideas.